Grand Canyon 2025

Students, Please Mark Your Calendars for May 2 - 4

Why People Volunteer to Support Our Exchange Students

Ready to roll up your sleeves and actively work towards world peace? That's what AFS (American Field Service) is all about. Whether you are a student age 13-18 and or an adult of any age, you can explore another part of the world in a cultural immersion experience that will change your life! We also host great international high school exchange students in Arizona in families who want to learn about another culture and gain a new son or daughter from the other side of the globe.

How do we do this? Through a dedicated network of 95 internationally-minded and big-hearted volunteers. If you're a citizen of the world who loves international education and amazing teenagers, please join us!

How did AFS start?  Check out the AFS History Timeline to discover how AFS was transformed from a wartime ambulance corps into a global exchange organization.