For access to the Host Family Handbook as well as other host family resources, please click here.




  • AFS Medical Policy 
    • GMMI is the medical insurance company that insures all AFS students. When a student is taken to a medical provider, please bring the insurance card and natural parent release with you (a paper copy of the natural parent release tends to be the most acceptable .)  Ask the medical provider to call GMMI directly to arrange direct billing.  If the provider will not do this, and the host parent or the student pays for the visit, follow the reimbursement instructions in the attachment. The student or host parents will generally have to pay for prescription medications (use the GMMI card for the insurance negotiated price) and then submit the invoice for reimbursement according to the instructions in the attachment.  If a student’s natural parents receive a bill from a US provider, they should contact AFS in their own country, to facilitate payment from GMMI.  Finally, whenever a host parent take a student to a medical provider you should let your liaison know.  Your liaison will let our AFS USA Support Specialist know, and they notify the partner country.  Next,  GMMI will be notified to expect a request for payment from the provider.